Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Waiting For Spring

I am so tired of snow and cold months waiting for sunny warm days and bright cheerful skies. I have been reading Fiona Robyn's book "A Year of Questions." One very poinant question that she asks in this book is: "What is it that gets between us and life? How are we keeping ourselves protected?"
I think we all have ways of protecting ourselves. It can be anything from alcohol, food, false security, money, expensive cars and possesions. Hopefully this spring will be a time of renewal where we can open ourslves up and allow ourselves to heal. I think it is possible for people to heal themselves, and to help others on the path to healing. I am not saying that is the only or the best route. I am reminded of the wonderful movie K-Pax with Kevin Spacey who plays the character Prot. The plot of this movie begs the question, is Prot an alien from outer space or is he a mad man? Maybe we are all a little mad in our own way. One of Prot's ways is by looking for the blue bird of happiness. I love bluebirds because they are not as aggressive as bluejays, and they are so beautiful. Here is hoping you find your blue bird of happiness in the next tree or around the next corner.

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