Monday, October 25, 2010

Morning Glory

I began this painting over a week ago. Although, it is hard to see from this photograph, there is a great deal of detail. I did not get all of the sky in the picture, and I didn't get all of the mountains. This is the first time I have ever painted flowers that turned out fairly successfully. I am pretty good at painting skies, and painting mountains, and I can paint water fairly well too. That is what I usually put in the bottom of my paintings much like Bob Ross--only not on the same level.
However, this time, I decided to take a chance. This painting took me about a week to complete. I did it in layers. I spent two days on the sky, and I spent two days on the grass and flowers. I hope you like it as much as I enjoyed painting it.

When I first sat down to start painting, I had also been skimming through many magazines. I didn't really have a clear idea of what I was going to paint. Some of the magazines were photography magazines. I think that is all part of the wonder and beauty of creation--starting something that you have no idea of where it is going--and learning to trust the process. That is also a big part of the fun of painting for me.

The flowers remind me of my mother, Marcella, who loved Morning Glories. My brother and I would help her plant the tiny seeds in early spring every year, and watch them bloom bright blue and red.

I hope everyone can have a chance to explore their creativity. It makes life rich and wonderful. After I paint a picture even though it may not be a masterpiece, I am still in awe that I can make something that has beauty. Everyone has that power. Everyone has that seed within them. Go out and explore your creative spark.

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