Saturday, October 2, 2010

One of my newest Paintings

This is an acrylic painting that I did from a picture in a magazine. The bird did not turn out perfectly, but I am learning s l o w l y to accept my imperction can be a part of creativity. So I am sharing this image and sharing of myself.
I have just begun to paint leaves too. Some are better than other, but I am ok with that. I really love the painting. The funny thing is, a day or so after I painted this picture, I noticed a yellow bird that looked similar to this one in the tree outside my window. Serindipity I guess.
I think that we are connected to all creatures, and people. Sometimes I forget how important that connection is. I believe that is when I am at my weakest and the furthest away from my creator. Creativity brings me back into connection with my creator. So does nature and connecting with people and anything living or breathing.
Life is not just about surviving. Today when I was at the laundry matt, I read an article in a magazine there about pets. It said for pets to thrive, they need an atmosophere of surpise and suspense sometimes. Leave little treats hidden in speacial places, by cat towers and place them in front of the window, play with them. To thrive, humans need an atmosphere of suspense and surpise and suspense and creativity too.
As adults, we still have a child who wants to play in a mud puddle, and finger paint, and color. Sometimes the adult needs to say no. Sometimes the child needs to be given a chance to enjoy the freedom of play just like our four legged friends.
Go have some fun.)))

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