Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wisdom is Embracing All that you are!

A very close friend of mine recommended that I go back and reread my old journal entries from time to time. I was thinking about a title for today's entry with this beautiful spring photograph that I snapped, and I read a quote that I had written down in an old journal.
"Embrace all that you are. Embrace your fears. Embrace your joys. Embrace your challenges."
I did not make a note of where I took the note from, but it is great wisdom. As I was looking out at the water, I was thinking that there was beauty everywhere around me. How could I walk past such landscape without noticing the ravishing nature that surrounded me. Even worse, I failed to see my own good. I could only see the things I could have done better in the week. Yes, I am a perfectionist, and maybe we all have a little bit of the perfectionist in us.
But we have much more that we need to begin embracing and honoring. Do the geese look like they beat themselves up for not swiming perfect strokes? Does the child seem unhappy throwing pieces of bread to the birds? Is the water unhappy because it is not pristine?
We need to embrace our inner child and all parts of ourselves and learn to let ourselves go. We have walked around like corpses for so long that we think that is how life is. We must learn to honor our animal instinct, and our inner child in order to become more authentic adults.
We can play it safe by staying on the shore and not getting our feet wet, but it is a lot more fun and thrilling diving head first. We may fall and get a mouth full of water, but we can pick ourselves up and go again. The next time won't be nearly as bad--maybe. But we could discover a whole new world.
Embrace all that you are. You are worth it!

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