Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Bits, pieces, and updates


This is an update by the wonderful author Marion Moss Hubbard. She has a excellent website about the heroic journey, and in her latest book which just came out. . . she has graciously written a dedication to me. Professor Hubbard was kind enough to communicate with me over the years about her first book called "Removing Your Mask". I remember emailing her some questions, and she actually took the time to respond. I have been reading her new book "The Heroic Path To Self-Forgiveness" and it has an amazing amount of wisdom in it.

I am by no means an expert at wisdom or my own inner processes. Professor Hubbard teaches us to learn to love ourselves more, so we can be more loving to others. One quotation of hers from this book that I would like to share that is really beautiful is this one: "Illumination can give us the wisdom to see the shadow self's gifts buried under our fears." (p119) She even has a way of turning our dark (shadow side) into something to be treasured and learned from.

Bits and pieces

Here are some favorite quotes that I stumbled upon this week.

"There is more to life than increasing its speed." --Mohandas Gandhi

"Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to a better understanding of ourselves." --Carl Jung

"There are no mistakes, no coincidences. All events are blessings for us to learn." --Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

If I had heroes, these three would come close to it. These three people all changed the course of history. Gandhi with the principles of nonviolence, Jung in looking at the psychology and dreams, and Kubler-Ross in helping people die with dignity and grace.

I believe we all have certain aspects (or bits and pieces) of each of these three people inside of us. It is our choice in life what kind of legacy we will leave for future generations. If just for today, let us slow down, become more understanding, and bless each other!!!


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