Saturday, March 19, 2011

Nature and Nurture

There are few things less precious in this world than nature. I pick up the newspaper, turn on the television and it would seem that the world is coming to an end.
I think we often forget that we are all divine creatures and we are all special. We do not have to do anything to earn our place in this world; we have already earned it by simply being here. However, culture and the media tells us that we are less than perfect the way we are. Look at this tree. It is mid-March, and this tree is already perfect just the way it is.
I would like to think this tree has a sense of humor standing up against the bitter winds of time. As I looked on the ground I saw some pine needles laying there, but the tree itself was undisturbed. It had it's roots buried deep in the soil. It laughed at the wind as if to say, you can try, but you are no match for me.
That is the way we need to stand against adversity in our lives. When it comes, as it most surely will, stare it in the face, and smile. That is the greatest sign of a warrior. It is also how we can nurture each other because life is not easy for anyone. If we stand together, the winds cannot stir us.
The media and society would have us think that times are tough now. But I believe that we are living in a garden if you will. Perhaps you can think of the tree as a metaphor for a garden. We are in the Garden of Eden now. We simply have to open our eyes and see our own and each other's divinity. We have strong roots and we are living in a beautiful garden now. We are not going to be abandoned no matter what anyone says to try and scare us. We are divine and beautiful. Let your beauty sparkle.

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