Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Noticing the beauty

I was recently reading an article, and it seems a French engineer had done some work examining the famous Mona Lisa painting and found some imperfections. Pascal Cotte used inferred light to examine Leonardo da Vinci's famous painting and other techniques. The website is at http://livescience.com/4846-25-secrets-mona-lisa-revealed.html

One of the points that was being made was that da Vinci was not perfect. Evidently Cotte also examined some of da Vinci's journals and notebooks.

I think it is strange how beauty is not appreciated just for what it is. Just because Mona Lisa was not painted with eyebrows does not mean that da Vinci made a fatal flaw. I think we need to just appreciate the beauty for what it is and stop worrying about whether it is perfect or not. We often hear the phrase that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I believe this is true.

What I think is perfect, you may think is imperfect. What you may think is a horrible painting, I may love. There is beauty in every living thing. Everything is here for a reason. We need to cherish things instead of throw them away. I see houses boarded up, garbage tossed on the street, people out of work and tossed aside. We were not meant to live like this. We have a purpose. Just like the Mona Lisa, we have beauty. People can point out our imperfections if they want to, but deep down we have real lasting beauty. It is not going to washed away with the trash. We are here to make a difference. We are here to stay. We have a purpose. Stand strong, be bold, and show your beauty.

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