Saturday, March 12, 2011


Like many people, I can hardly wait for spring to arrive. This week we set our clocks forward to Daylight Saving's Time if you live in the midwest like I do. That is a good sign that spring is near.
I love to wake in the mornings and hear the birds singing. I took this picture when I was on vacation last year. I was intrigued by all of the colorful flowers.
My parents always had a garden when I was growing up. Planting a seed and sometimes it would grow. I remember one time my brother and I got tired of planting seeds, so we threw some green beans in the weeds. What is amazing is that those green beans grew up the weeds, and were huge green beans. It was really a miracle that they survived without being nurtured or cared for.
I think sometimes when we don't think that we are being cared for, there is still a loving force, call it whatever you will who watches over us. It is a creative force that makes certain that our beauty never gets hidden or over run by weeds or anything else. It wants to see our creative spark, and it will do whatever it takes to make sure that we shine.

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